Category Archive

Voices of Epilepsy

[Event] OBI Public Talk: Taking Charge of your Brain Health

January 23, 2014

Please join us for the Ontario Brain Institute public talk: Taking Charge of your Brain Health.  Opening remarks by Dr. Donald Stuss, President and Scientific Director of the OBI, followed by keynote speaker Dr. Tiffany Chow, behavioural neurologist and senior clinician-scientist at the Baycrest Rotman Research Institute.  The title of Dr. Chow’s talk is “Bringing…

SEAC webinar to address needs of students with epilepsy

January 17, 2014

Epilepsy Ontario is presenting a free information webinar Jan. 23 aimed at developing clear messaging about the kind of educational supports children with epilepsy need. The webinar will bring together Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) representatives from across Ontario, including many who will be advocating for the creation of protocols outlining supports that should be…

[Event] Summerfest 2014

January 10, 2014

Nothing says summer like spending a week (or two!) at camp. Fun in the sun away from home is a tempting prospect for any kid, including kids living with epilepsy.  If your child has epilepsy, we understand your concerns about safety when it comes to registering your child for an unforgettable summer camp experience. With…

Film screening inspires James Burnett to share story of living with epilepsy

January 10, 2014

While attending the Canadian premiere screening of On the Edge: Living with Epilepsy in October, James Burnett said he wanted to write a letter to Epilepsy Ontario detailing what life with a seizure disorder has been like for him and to share helpful coping mechanisms. Burnett’s decision to share his story was well timed. On…