The Ontario Ministry of Education has provided direction to school boards to have policies and procedures in place to support children and students with certain medical conditions in schools. The policy, known as PPM 161 – Supporting Children and Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions (Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Diabetes, and/or Epilepsy) in Schools was finalized on February 28, 2018, for implementation by September 2018.
With funding from the Ministry of Education, Epilepsy Ontario has developed a training tool for teachers to assist them in supporting students with epilepsy in the classroom. The tool is divided into 3 15-minute modules. Audio will begin automatically; please adjust your volume.
Module 2: Responding to Seizures
Screen Text Audio Text
Module 3: Supporting Students
Screen Text Audio Text
Additional Resources
Find Your Local Community Epilepsy Agency
EPASS: Teacher Tool Kit to Promote Well-being in Students with Epilepsy produced by Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario with the support of EpLink – The Epilepsy Research Program of the Ontario Brain Institute (OBI) and the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Purple Day Classroom Resources: Epilepsy Toronto, in partnership with the Toronto District School Board and Toronto Catholic District School Board, has developed classroom resources for Purple Day, the official day for epilepsy awareness on March 26th. The resources are organized by grade with grade K-3, 4-6, and 7-12 resources.
The Toronto Catholic District School Board version can be found here.
The Toronto District School Board version can be found here.
Seizure First Aid Videos
Tonic Clonic Seizure
Focal Dyscognitive Seizure (Complex Partial Seizure)
Absence Seizure
How to Administer Emergency Medications to Students with Epilepsy
Produced by Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario as part of its teacher education series
Spark Sheets-Resource Sheets on Epilepsy Topics
Expand Epilepsy and Seizures: General SectionEpilepsy and Seizures: General
Expand Treatments and Therapies SectionTreatments and Therapies
Expand Implications of Epilepsy: Beyond Seizures SectionImplications of Epilepsy: Beyond Seizures
Ontario Physical Education Safety Guideline resources
Perfection-Grade 4 Performance-based education program
Le Ministère de l’Éducation a fourni des directives aux conseils scolaires de mettre en place des politiques et des procédures afin d’appuyer, dans les écoles, les enfants et les élèves qui présentent certaines affections médicales. À cet effet, la Note Politique/Programmes (NPP N° 161) – Soutenir les enfants et les élèves ayant des affections médicales prédominantes (anaphylaxie, asthme, diabète et épilepsie) dans les écoles a été finalisée le 28 février 2018 en vue de sa mise en œuvre d’ici le mois de septembre 2018.
Ce cours a été conçu pour aider les enseignants et le personnel scolaire de l’Ontario à mieux comprendre l’épilepsie. Chaque module dure 15 minutes.
En ligne bientôt.
Module 1 – L’épilepsie et les différents types de crises
Texte à l’écran Script Audio
Module 2-Les façons d’intervenir en cas de crise d’épilepsie à l’école
Texte à l’écran Script Audio
Module 3-S’occuper d’étudiants souffrant d’épilepsie en salle de classe
Texte à l’écran Script Audio
Ressources supplémentaires
Expand Épilepsie et crises : généralités SectionÉpilepsie et crises : généralités
Expand Traitements et thérapies SectionTraitements et thérapies
Expand Implications de l’épilepsie a u-delà des crises SectionImplications de l’épilepsie a u-delà des crises