Category Archive


Epilepsy Ontario launches exciting crowdsourcing initiative

August 7, 2014

Epilepsy Ontario has launched a crowdsourcing initiative to raise money in support of epilepsy awareness, and those who donate will have their name seen by millions of people. Through the crowdsourcing site Giveffect, the organization is aiming to raise $5,000 during the 13th annual Targa Newfoundland, a five-day, 2,200-kilometre road rally held Sept. 14-19 across…

OBI hosting free public talk on brain health

January 31, 2014

The Ontario Brain Institute (OBI) is hosting a free public talk in downtown Toronto Feb. 7 which will be enriching for anyone interested in neurological conditions and brain health. The event will be largely focused on patient empowerment and self care for caregivers and will feature a presentation from brain-health expert Dr. Tiffany Chow. Chow,…

Disclosing seizure condition at work crucial for safety, fostering understanding

November 21, 2013

When Marcel Allen began eating less and appeared confused at work in June, a colleague at the Ottawa Police Service knew immediately that something wasn’t right. Her assumption was correct — Allen would have a major seizure a short time later. But the fact his colleague knew the symptoms people with epilepsy experience prior to…

Education key to eliminating epilepsy stigma, say panelists

October 31, 2013

TORONTO – In the documentary On the Edge: Living with Epilepsy, Bill Maier shares his story about having a seizure at school and then being reprimanded by his teacher for his “behaviour.” For people who have the neurological condition and those working for epilepsy support agencies, Maier’s story is a common theme. During a panel…