Category Archive

Supporting Agencies (Canada & Ontario)

Cast your vote for multimedia epilepsy awareness campaign

November 29, 2012

Educating people about epilepsy can help reduce the stigma people living with the neurological disorder often face at work or in school. It’s for this reason Epilepsy Niagara is working to secure funding through a contest to launch a multimedia awareness campaign — and the agency needs your support to achieve its goal. Epilepsy Niagara…

Survey seeking first-hand stories about living with epilepsy

November 22, 2012

A new survey available on the Epilepsy Ontario website is aiming to discover what the epilepsy community wants to talk about and to seek out people’s experiences of living with the neurological disorder and the key issues important to them. Epilepsy Ontario executive director Rozalyn Werner-Arcé says the organization is hoping the survey will provide…

Task force to create international epilepsy guidelines established

November 9, 2012

A task force to create international epilepsy guidelines for physicians and researchers has been recently established, with the goal of bringing together best practices from around the world that address issues related to epilepsy treatment and research. The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Task Force on Guidelines in Epilepsy was set up to encourage experts…

Community support Epilepsy Durham Region’s greatest success: executive director

November 1, 2012

  When you’re a small epilepsy support agency of two people, you need to know how to make the most of your available resources — and that’s exactly what Epilepsy Durham Region has done for 25 years. The agency receives no government or United Way funding. Instead, Epilepsy Durham Region has built community relationships to…