Category Archive

Supporting Agencies (Canada & Ontario)

Online toolkit will make workplaces more inclusive for people with epilepsy

November 14, 2013

An e-learning resource toolkit developed by Epilepsy Toronto and funded by the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario to help company managers, human-resources personnel and employees better understand epilepsy and how to react if a person has a seizure in the workplace is slated to be released in mid to late winter. Epilepsy@work is intended to be…

EpLink researcher says team is ‘quite close’ to finding Lafora disease cure

November 7, 2013

By Deron Hamel Dr. Berge Minassian says he believes scientists are “getting quite close” to finding a cure for Lafora disease, characterized as the most serious form of epilepsy, with inroads made possible by the Ontario Brain Institute’s (OBI’s) EpLink research program. Minassian is one of more than 25 researchers at nine university and hospital…

Education key to eliminating epilepsy stigma, say panelists

October 31, 2013

TORONTO – In the documentary On the Edge: Living with Epilepsy, Bill Maier shares his story about having a seizure at school and then being reprimanded by his teacher for his “behaviour.” For people who have the neurological condition and those working for epilepsy support agencies, Maier’s story is a common theme. During a panel…

Documentary delivers powerful messages aimed at erasing epilepsy stigma

October 24, 2013

TORONTO – Epilepsy is a reminder that none of us has complete control over our bodies. That’s one of the powerful messages driven home during the Canadian premiere of On the Edge: Living with Epilepsy, a documentary about the neurological condition, told by people who are living with it. Think about it: we have all…