Category Archive

Supporting Agencies (Canada & Ontario)

Pharma companies will be federally mandated to report drug shortages

February 12, 2015

The federal government announced Feb. 10 that Canadian pharmaceutical companies must post all actual and anticipated medication shortages in coming months, a move that is welcomed by the epilepsy advocacy community. Drug shortages have affected the epilepsy community in recent years. In January 2013, it was announced that clobazam, an anticonvulsant medication, was in short…

Surgery helps Steve Rutledge celebrate 25 years of being seizure-free

February 5, 2015

By Deron Hamel Sept. 4, 1990 is a day that’s etched into Steve Rutledge’s memory. This was the day Rutledge received neurosurgery to address his epilepsy. It was a day that proved to be a turning point in the life of the father of three who had, until then, lived with epilepsy for more than…

Neurosurgery gives Cathleen Townsend’s life a ‘360-degree change’

January 29, 2015

One year ago at this time, Cathleen Townsend was having up to 15 seizures per day. Then she had life-changing surgery last April. She’s not had a seizure since. The Casselman, Ont. resident says her life has had a “360-degree change” in the past nine months. Being seizure-free has allowed her to go back to…

Sharing your story about epilepsy can make a difference

January 22, 2015

One of the great things about having the Voices of Epilepsy news program is that Epilepsy Ontario can help people share their inspirational stories about how they’ve conquered their condition and, in some cases, foster positive change. The news program has even demonstrated lifesaving ability. In January 2013, it was announced there was a shortage…