Category Archive

Living with Epilepsy

Informative VNS webinar Sept. 21

September 20, 2012

Dr. Cristina Go, a neurologist at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children and an epilepsy expert, is presenting at a Sept. 21 webinar that will provide in-depth information about vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) devices and how they can enhance quality of life for people living with seizure disorders. The webinar, entitled Vagus Nerve Stimulation: A Long-term…

Travel Assisstance

September 14, 2012

There are travel assistance options when living with epilepsy. The Northern Travel Grant The Northern Travel Grant is offered through the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.  It helps to defray the costs of travel for Northern Ontario residents seeking medical specialist services or procedures at a designated health facility. Click to download printable brochure on Northern…

Epilepsy-focused biology unit for Grade 12 students

September 13, 2012

The main goals of an innovative Grade 12 science unit focused on seizure disorders are reducing the stigma surrounding epilepsy, teaching seizure first aid and encouraging interest in youth to pursue careers in epilepsy research and health sciences. The program, called Brain Matters: An Introduction to Neuroscience, was developed by the London, Ont.-based Epilepsy Support…

Ontario Photo Card

September 6, 2012

Ontario introduced a new photo card that will provide government-issued identification to Ontarians who do not drive. The Ontario photo card makes it easier for non-drivers to perform everyday transactions such as opening a bank account, cashing a cheque or returning merchandise to a store. The voluntary card was launched on July 25, 2012 and…