Category Archive

Living with Epilepsy

Mom applauds Summerfest for enhancing daughter’s independence

July 11, 2013

Nicole Graham first realized the positive impact Summerfest brings to children living with seizure disorders when she picked up her daughter, Alexa, from a week-long stay at Camp Couchiching five years ago. When Alexa was met by her family, who had driven nearly seven hours to the Orillia-area camp from their Timmins home, the then-five-year-old’s…

Student wants to give back to hospital that changed her life

July 4, 2013

Katelyn Lewis has been seizure-free since having surgery to control her epilepsy in December 2009. Since then, her life has changed dramatically for the better, and she’s preparing to enter Confederation College in the autumn. Katelyn, the recipient of an OBCL Epilepsy Scholarship Award for 2013, is planning to attend Confederation College’s one-year medical assistant…

Educating people about epilepsy a major part of dad’s advocacy

June 13, 2013

When we think of people who advocate for children who are living with epilepsy, we often think of mothers, but in many cases fathers are the unsung heroes when it comes to peer networking and searching for ways to enhance their children’s quality of life. In recognition of June 16 being Father’s Day, Voices of…

Six persevering students earn OBCL scholarship awards

June 6, 2013

OBCL Scholars (Left to right): Suzanne McGuire, Alexander Johnson, Kirsten Leusink, and Chloe Gallagher. The OBCL Epilepsy Scholarship Awards were presented June 4 to six students who all have one thing in common – they are living with epilepsy but they’re not letting it interfere with their future plans.Chloe Gallagher is one of the scholarship…