Category Archive

Living with Epilepsy

New report provides Ontario-specific findings for epilepsy and other brain disorders

July 23, 2015

By Deron Hamel The collective impact and prevalence of brain disorders, including epilepsy, in Ontario is explored in a new report developed by the Ontario Brain Institute (OBI) and the Institute for Clinical and Evaluative Sciences (ICES). Specifically, the report, which was published in July, provides an understanding of the cumulative prevalence of 13 brain…

Scholarship winner began advocating for epilepsy awareness shortly after diagnosis

July 16, 2015

By Deron Hamel It wasn’t long after Sarah Hysenaj had her first seizure that she became an epilepsy awareness advocate. Sarah was 11 years old and on a school field trip when she had her first seizure in front of her classmates. Fortunately for Sarah, her teacher knew exactly what was happening and what to…

Student attributes surging self-confidence after seizure diagnosis to family, friends

July 9, 2015

By Deron Hamel When Anya-Belle Brown began having seizures in Grade 8, she says she began to lose her self-confidence and found it challenging to complete her schoolwork. Her condition would not be diagnosed for a few years, and in the meantime she continued to experience seizures, which caused Anya-Belle to fall asleep and exhibit…

Epilepsy diagnosis helps student understand her condition and pursue her dreams

July 2, 2015

By Deron Hamel Before being diagnosed with epilepsy, Amanda Cook says she felt “trapped” by her seizure disorder. But since her diagnosis, Amanda says her confidence has soared, and she’s now getting ready to take the first steps toward a career in interior design. Amanda has been accepted into the interior design technology program at…