Category Archive


Finding your right epilepsy medication can be trial and error

May 9, 2013

Finding a patient’s correct epilepsy medication and dosage can be a matter of trial and error for doctors, but there are things people living with seizure disorders can do to assist in the process. The first challenge for doctors is often making the right diagnosis, says Dr. Peter Carlen, a neurologist at Toronto Western Hospital’s…

Strong doctor relationships help ease Pamela-Anne Kinney off meds

April 18, 2013

April 18, 2013 — Pamela-Anne Kinney’s story of reducing the amount of her medication to control tonic-clonic seizures underscores the importance of people living with epilepsy having strong relationships with their doctors — and being advocates for their own health. Kinney, 48, has been affected by seizures since she was 16, after being struck by…

EpLink study focusing on improving children’s working memory

March 14, 2013

A study aimed at improving children’s working memory with a computer-based training program is being cited as one of the major highlights of EpLink, an epilepsy research program established by the Ontario Brain Institute (OBI). EpLink co-director Dr. McIntyre Burnham says the study, which is led by Dr. Elizabeth Kerr, a clinical neuropsychologist at Toronto’s…

$100-million OBI funding will help position Ontario as brain-research leader: Stuss

March 7, 2013

A $100 million, five-year provincial funding initiative provided to the Ontario Brain Institute (OBI) for research into neurological disorders, including epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral palsy, depression and autism, will help position the province as a worldwide brain-research leader, says Dr. Donald Stuss. Stuss, OBI’s president and scientific director, says what makes this funding exceptional is…