Category Archive


Mother educates school on epilepsy guide dogs after misunderstanding

April 17, 2014

When Suzy Cornish’s daughter Ashley, accompanied by her epilepsy guide dog, recently went to a Kitchener school to pick up the son of a family friend, she was met by a teacher who told her she couldn’t enter the school with a dog. Ashley explaining to the teacher that her dog, Flicka, was not a…

Epilepsy Ontario asking for consistent legislation to protect students with chronic conditions

April 11, 2014

Ontario needs consistent legislation to ensure a safer public-school system for children with chronic medical conditions, including epilepsy, asthma and diabetes. This was Epilepsy Ontario executive director Rozalyn Werner-Arcé’s message to the province’s standing committee on social policy during an April 8 public hearing at Queen’s Park. Werner-Arcé joined education and health experts from across…

Mother calls for more action to develop mandatory drug-shortage database

March 21, 2014

When Diana went to fill her daughter’s clobazam prescription last week, she was in for a big surprise when the pharmacy told her it couldn’t supply her with all the medication her daughter needed.Diana was unaware there was a medication shortage. With the help of Epilepsy Ontario, Diana was able to get an additional supply…

Want more epilepsy information? Then this is the webinar for you

March 13, 2014

Suzanne Nurse says she hopes a March 20 Epilepsy Ontario webinar will provide people with a better understanding of what epilepsy is. Nurse, an epilepsy information specialist who will be moderating the webinar, adds that once people have the information they need they are encouraged to share what they’ve learned at the webinar to build…