Category Archive


2 charities partner to create educational sessions focused on Dravet spectrum disorders

March 27, 2017

By Deron Hamel Dravet Canada and SUDEP Aware have partnered to deliver a series of educational sessions led by researchers and clinicians to provide the latest information about Dravet spectrum disorders to families and caregivers of people living with the condition. The first Dravet Day events are being held April 8 in Toronto and St.…

Action Day 2017 will focus on need for gov’t to translate evidence into practice

February 9, 2017

By Deron Hamel Epilepsy Ontario is focusing this year’s Epilepsy Action Day at Queen’s Park on the need to standardize care for people with epilepsy across Ontario through dissemination and implementation of the province’s clinical epilepsy guidelines, as well as explaining what the guidelines mean for patients and doctors. This year’s Epilepsy Action Day is…

Research into link between brain injury and epilepsy is giving Eileen Campbell hope

January 5, 2017

By Deron Hamel When Eileen Campbell was 14 years old, she was involved in a car crash that resulted in a brain injury. After the accident, she developed epilepsy which caused her to have tonic-clonic seizures. Now 49, Campbell has lived with the challenges epilepsy poses. She has three grown sons, each of whom has…