January 27, 2014
Epilepsy Ontario has learned that there is a shortage of clobazam at some community pharmacies. Unfortunately, we do not have any further details at this time and we do not know whether the shortage is affecting a single brand of clobazam or if multiple brands are affected.
If you take clobazam we suggest that you contact your pharmacy and ask about the supply of your medication.
If your pharmacist is unable to fill your prescription contact your health care provider immediately. Do not make any changes to your treatment (i.e. skipping doses, reducing the dose, or discontinuing the drug) without consulting your health care provider. If there is a shortage of your anti-seizure drug your physician or nurse practitioner can discuss this with you and develop a treatment plan to most safely manage your epilepsy.
It would be very helpful if you share what you learn with us so we can track the situation and get a better picture of what is happening. Call us at
905-474-9696 or toll-free 1-800-463-1119, or send an email to
If you need any assistance, please let us know.
As of January 27, 2014 there was no information about a clobazam shortage ondrugshortages.ca, although we will continue to monitor this website for an update.
For additional information:
* Drug Shortage FAQ’s
Link: https://epilepsyontario.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Drug-Shortages-FAQs.pdf
* Therapeutic Alternative to Clobazam: Medical Recommendation for Adults with Epilepsy (January 21, 2013)
Link to download:
Clobazam is marketed under the following names in Canada:
Apo-Clobazam | Clobazam-10 | Dom-Clobazam | Frisium | Novo-Clobazam | PMS-Clobazam
Past articles:
January 31, 2013 Client-pharmacist relationship crucial for those with complex disorders during clobazam shortage
January 24, 2013 Alternative drug therapy, close physician contact recommended during clobazam shortage
January 17, 2013 National action plan could curb impact of drug shortages
January 10, 2013 Unable to get clobazam? Work with your doctor, pharmacisthttps://epilepsyontario.org/unable-to-get-clobazam-work-with-your-doctor-pharmacist/