Epilepsy Ontario has 17 local agencies, associates and contacts throughout Ontario. Each one provides direct services to the people in their specific region of the province. Agencies and associates are independently incorporated under the statutes of the Province of Ontario. They are governed by their own legally constituted volunteer board of directors.
We encourage you to contact your nearest local agency and make use of their services. Your time, talents and finances can help sustain and expand available support for people touched by seizure disorders in your community. With your support, everyone wins. Together we can make a difference!
Connect with your local agency today by clicking on your region’s epilepsy organization.
Epilepsy Agencies in Ontario
Central Ontario
Eastern Ontario
Greater Toronto
Northern Ontario
Southwestern Ontario
- London and Area: Epilepsy Support Centre
South Central Ontario
Looking for an epilepsy organization outside the province? Check out our supporting agencies that reach people beyond Ontario’s borders.