Category Archive

Supporting Agencies (Canada & Ontario)

Advocate puts a face to the need for epilepsy strategy

June 28, 2012

Given the high number of Ontarians living with epilepsy, there needs to be an effective action plan to support the quality of life of people affected by the neurological disorder, says Miranda Zeppieri. Zeppieri, 28, knows this first-hand — she has had a seizure disorder caused by tuberous sclerosis her whole life, and this is…

Epilepsy Ontario examines strategy delivery in a changing world

June 7, 2012

Looking ahead into fiscal year 2012-13, Epilepsy Ontario needs to examine ways to deliver its strategy in a world that’s changing for nonprofit organizations. This was Epilepsy Ontario executive committee president Elisa McFarlane’s message at the organization’s May 29 annual general meeting. Of note, Epilepsy Ontario needs to be looking at four key trends —…

‘It has been a year of change and productive initiative’

May 31, 2012

Asked to summarize Epilepsy Ontario’s past year, executive director Rozalyn Werner-Arcé doesn’t hesitate in her response: “It has been a year of change and productive initiative.” The executive director spoke at the organization’s May 29 annual general meeting (AGM), where she highlighted the successes and changes seen throughout 2011-12. Werner-Arcé began by paying tribute to…

Latest SUDEP info available online

May 3, 2012

An e-toolkit containing the latest research-based material aimed at providing information about sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) to four main target groups is now available online. The e-toolkit, which is available on SUDEP Aware’s website, contains key information pamphlets targeting health-care providers, people bereaved by SUDEP, teens and young adults, and people with epilepsy.…