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Living with Epilepsy

Epilepsy should not stop you from doing what you want: student

November 8, 2019

By Deron Hamel Megan Sherwin was diagnosed with epilepsy at age 9. She’s also living with cerebral palsy. But living with these conditions does not control her life. In fact, Megan says she finds herself inspired to show others that she can do anything she wants. “I have faced many challenges growing up, but that…

Student hopes to raise epilepsy awareness through film

October 15, 2019

By Deron Hamel Alexandra Law says she hopes to one day use the power of film to help people understand what living with epilepsy is like. Alexandra, who is currently a student in the media fundamentals program at Sheridan College, says that her goal is to become a fiction writer and she also plans to…

From experiences with epilepsy, student sees opportunity for mobile app to help others

September 23, 2019

By Deron Hamel An old proverb states that necessity is the mother of invention. Logan Place wants to someday develop a mobile application to track issues related to epilepsy to help doctors better manage the condition for patients – something he says would have been helpful to his doctors and family when he was being…

Mom says Summerfest Camp has helped her son grow in every way

August 30, 2019

By Deron Hamel “If he succeeds at camp, he’ll succeed in life.” This was the message a neurologist had for Renee Long after learning Renee was sending her son, Finlay, to Summerfest Camp. Those words have certainly rung true, Renee says. Finlay, now 14, has attended Summerfest, a camping experience for children and youths aged…