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Scholarship recipient is inspired by those who’ve helped her thrive

November 3, 2023

By Deron Hamel Taylor Thomas is planning to use her talents and education to help others living with seizure disorders. Taylor, who is working towards a BA in psychology with a focus on neuropsychology at Brock University, says she has been inspired by the people who have helped her flourish in life while managing her…

Student with epilepsy shares a unique bond with Vincent Van Gogh

June 22, 2023

By Deron Hamel Emily Greer says Vincent Van Gogh “has a special place” in her heart. Like Emily, the famous Dutch painter lived with epilepsy and even wrote about living with the condition. But there’s something else Emily sees in Van Gogh that others may not. And this comes from looking at one of his…

Doctoral student uses his experiences with epilepsy to inspire others

June 8, 2023

By Deron Hamel Tyler Herrington is completing his doctoral studies focused on climate-change research, defying the odds a childhood physician gave his parents when asked how epilepsy would impact his life. As a child living with epilepsy, Tyler’s parents were told by the doctor that epilepsy would prevent their son from living a rich and…