Category Archive

Medical Information

Student-athlete overcomes epilepsy’s challenges to pursue her dreams

September 21, 2017

By Deron Hamel Mary-Katherine Rowe says living with epilepsy for the past five years has not been easy, but she has stood up to every challenge she has faced and has now entered her second year of pursuing a teaching degree at Nipissing University.Mary-Katherine was diagnosed with a seizure disorder in 2012, when she was…

Osler scholarship recipient says Purple Day founder has been an inspiration

September 11, 2017

By Deron Hamel Sarah Picotte says Cassidy Megan has been an important source of inspiration in her life. Cassidy was just nine years old when she launched the first Purple Day to raise worldwide epilepsy awareness on March 26, 2008. Sarah is the same age Cassidy, and like Cassidy, she is also living with epilepsy.…

2 charities partner to create educational sessions focused on Dravet spectrum disorders

March 27, 2017

By Deron Hamel Dravet Canada and SUDEP Aware have partnered to deliver a series of educational sessions led by researchers and clinicians to provide the latest information about Dravet spectrum disorders to families and caregivers of people living with the condition. The first Dravet Day events are being held April 8 in Toronto and St.…