Category Archive

Medical Information

Visual Reflex Seizures Induced by Complex Stimuli

August 8, 2011

Benjamin G. Zifkin and Yushi Inoue From Epilepsia, Volume 45 Issue s1 Page 27-29 January 2004. doi:10.1111/j.0013-9580.2004.451005.x URL: Summary: Visual reflex seizures induced by complex stimuli may be triggered by patterned and flashing displays that are now ubiquitous. The seizures may be clinically generalized, but unilateral and bilateral myoclonic attacks also may be triggered,…

Tonic Seizures

August 8, 2011

Tonic seizures are very uncommon, especially when they occur without clonic jerking. They usually are manifest with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or, less commonly, with multiple sclerosis. Tonic seizures most often develop in childhood, although they can occur at any age. Tonic seizures are characterized by facial and truncal muscle spasms, flexion or extension of the upper…

Status Epilepticus

August 8, 2011

Status Epilepticus is considered a medical emergency. Immediate medical care is required. Most seizures run their course and end naturally on their own within seconds or a few minutes. Status epilepticus is a seizure that lasts for 30 minutes or longer, or when seizures repeat without recovery in between. This prolonged or repeated seizure activity…

Startle Epilepsy

August 8, 2011

Startle epilepsy is a type of reflex epilepsy in which seizures are provoked by loud noises or sudden surprises. Most patients with startle epilepsy are only sensitive to one sensory modality (i.e. temperature, taste, sound, pressure). However, it is the unexpected nature of the stimulus rather than the sensory modality that characterizes startle epilepsy. Patients…