Category Archive

Donate and Support

OTN staff show support for Epilepsy Ontario

June 20, 2013

Epilepsy Ontario executive director Rozalyn Werner-Arcé accepts a cheque for $2,800 from the Ontario Telemedicine Network. OTN raised the money during a two-month campaign focused on epilepsy awareness. Paula Ashley says she came away with a reinforced feeling of what a “caring and passionate” organization she works for, following the Ontario Telemedicine Network’s (OTN’s) two-month…

Mother’s advocacy for sons aided by Epilepsy Ontario webinars

May 17, 2013

One thing Kelly Cvijanovich has discovered about having two sons who have epilepsy is that when it comes to obtaining supports and resources it’s important to be proactive and become an advocate for your children. This is exactly what she has done for her sons Dylan, 7, and Cameron, 3. Doctors don’t know what has…

Advocates encouraged by gov’t response to Epilepsy Awareness Month

March 28, 2013

Representatives from epilepsy support agencies say they’re encouraged by the reception their advocacy work with government officials received this month, and hope their colleagues provincewide will continue talking with politicians about the epilepsy community’s needs after March 31. March is Epilepsy Awareness Month, and leaders from within the epilepsy community have been meeting with politicians…

Unable to get clobazam? Work with your doctor, pharmacist

January 10, 2013

If people who take clobazam to control their seizure disorder are unable to obtain the medication, they need to be working with their doctor and pharmacist to develop an alternative drug-therapy program. This is the message Karen Sullivan, Shoppers Drug Mart’s director of pharmacy professional affairs for Western Canada, recently shared with the Voices of…