Category Archive

Epilepsy Awareness

Challenges with epilepsy empowering student to reach goals

September 4, 2013

Growing up with epilepsy, Tori Gleason faced many challenges. Now she’s hoping to turn the negative experiences that came with living with a seizure disorder into something she can use to help others. The 18-year-old is enrolled in the child and youth worker program at St. Lawrence College in Brockville, Ont. She’s planning to use…

Run for Epilepsy success shows difference one person can make

July 31, 2013

Trevor and Katie Lewis accomplished their goal of raising enough money to launch an epilepsy agency in Thunder Bay during last year’s inaugural Run for Epilepsy, and the father-and-daughter team is planning to direct proceeds from this year’s marathon to build upon that success. The 2012 Run for Epilepsy raised about $17,000, which helped open…

OTN staff show support for Epilepsy Ontario

June 20, 2013

Epilepsy Ontario executive director Rozalyn Werner-Arcé accepts a cheque for $2,800 from the Ontario Telemedicine Network. OTN raised the money during a two-month campaign focused on epilepsy awareness. Paula Ashley says she came away with a reinforced feeling of what a “caring and passionate” organization she works for, following the Ontario Telemedicine Network’s (OTN’s) two-month…

Mother’s advocacy for sons aided by Epilepsy Ontario webinars

May 17, 2013

One thing Kelly Cvijanovich has discovered about having two sons who have epilepsy is that when it comes to obtaining supports and resources it’s important to be proactive and become an advocate for your children. This is exactly what she has done for her sons Dylan, 7, and Cameron, 3. Doctors don’t know what has…